News • 06/2015
VINCI Construction France renews its trust in Acte Sept to set the pace for its contribution towards its 2015 managers' convention.
After the Comex roadshow in 2012 (4 conventions, one in each corner of France), it was Paris that, at the beginning of June, hosted the VINCI Construction France managers' convention. Acte Sept sought to assist those attending with structuring their speeches, always keeping realism and optimism in mind!
From prevention to HR, to finances and operational imperatives, the VINCI Construction France managers' convention day was dense, in an economic context, for all sector players. What would inspire positive dynamism without any waffle, encouraging the commitment of all? It was with that in mind that Acte Sept assisted all those attending with preparing their speeches by ensuring that they took varied formats specially designed for each sequence: round tables, interviews, and working in twos or threes. Pace, variety, coached speakers and special attention to visual media, as well as more light-hearted moments with live selfie entertainment... a great day, which saw the collective commitment expected.