News • 03/2019

Orientation seminar, new formula!


To completely rethink the structure of the orientation seminar for a large pharmaceutical group: mission accomplished for Acte Sept.

In this rapidly changing industry, the profiles sought are rare, and their loyalty is key. Orientation is the first step. To boost the plan, Acte Sept was chosen to rethink the format of the bi-annual seminar for new employees.

A common thread to structure these two days of orientation, a strong brand with meaning: INSIDE. -> INSIDE, to explore the company in depth. -> INSIDE, to become an actor at the heart of the organisation

Participatory workshops, digital games, graphic facilitator, etc. The multiplication of formats or how to stimulate attention and maintain the involvement of all participants. The key words: interactivity, proximity and fun.

To reinforce the sharing of experience and the sharing of corporate culture, the seminar is run entirely by laboratory employees. They are prepared for the exercise beforehand by our coaches. 80 people participated in the first session which took place in March.