News • 04/2021
On the road to another year in blended mode !
April marks the start of a 19th year for Acte Sept, with encouraging prospects after a “Covid” year focused on creativity to support our customers and prepare them for a new dynamic in 2021.
After a year in distance mode, which raised awareness of the importance of non-verbal communication and the vital need for quality interactions between us, both privately and professionally, 2021 is shaping up to be a hybrid year in which distance is still part of our daily lives: we need to sublimate it so that it brings us closer together !
As for face-to-face training, it will of course be back, in our training courses and events, but it won't be the same face-to-face training... The blended format will take over, giving these face-to-face moments all their power and all their added value, provided they are properly thought out and prepared.
Acte Sept is ready to support its customers in this new stage of transformation !