News • 03/2021
TOTAL and Acte Sept: trust is the name of the game !
Successful storytellling, the new course offered to all TOTAL employees worldwide, marks this giant's renewed confidence in our offer and support.
Since 2008, the partnership between TOTAL and Acte Sept has gone from strength to strength. Over the past 2 years, it has even been accelerated by the TOTAL Learning Solutions teams.
3 training courses in 100% distance learning format are now offered to all Group employees worldwide: Réussir ses prises de parole, Réussir son Pitch and since 2021 Réussir son Storytelling.
More than 40 courses are deployed each year, with some of the highest levels of satisfaction among the TLS team of partners.
Acte Sept has also just won an invitation to tender for new training themes: communication, personal development and efficiency, innovation, management and leadership, customer relations and human resources.
And once again this year, the agency will be helping the High Potential teams to prepare for their presentation to TOTAL's Executive Committee at the closing session of their University.
In short, TOTAL and Acte Sept are not only firing on all cylinders, they're moving up a gear... in sustainable relationship development mode, of course !