News • 06/2023
Unmissable !
How to become a must-have in an ultra-competitive therapeutic area where no one is waiting for us: that's the challenge Roche proposed to Acte Sept to take up alongside us.
Effort. Patience. Perseverance.
“I'm not aiming for a time, I'm aiming to finish. Because to finish is to succeed.”
These were some of the words that Malek A. Boukerchi, Ultra-marathoner des Extrêmes, brought to the ears of the 25 members of the Roche Laboratory Ophthalmology Lead Squad during a high-stakes seminar concocted for them in June.
And how do you ensure that you finish, and therefore succeed?”?By preparing. The key to success is preparation. Because preparation is the antechamber to confidence”.
In May 2022, the Partenaires Parcours de Soin des Besoins en Ophtalmologie (PPSBU) network was created to support Roche's ambitions in the ophthalmology market. In keeping with the values of the Swiss Group, the approach is a sensitive one: to move from a position of “Leader in Oncology” to “Challenger in Ophthalmology”.
How can we approach this change of position with both humility and power ? In a hyper-competitive therapeutic area where no one is waiting for us, how do we ultimately become INCONTESTABLE ?
For the past 5 months, Acte Sept has been supporting the 25 PPSBUs in this quest: assertiveness and impact, collective and relational intelligence to interact with finesse and efficiency with the various internal and external stakeholders.
To achieve this, Acte Sept relies on the best ingredients :
Ambitious content based on positional and oral communication, emotional intelligence and writing, using the actor's subtlety to match the required attitudinal subtlety.
A spirit of collaboration and sharing throughout the course, between our acting coaches and the PPSBUs, with an original pedagogical approach that's not off the beaten track, a strong identity and experiments that leave a lasting impression.
An omnichannel approach, focusing on time, with a wide variety of formats (face-to-face, distance learning, conferences, digital contributions): 9 months of training and as many stages leading to a deep and lasting transformation of people and the organization.
Continuous improvement throughout the entire process, so as to constantly feed off the discoveries made along the way. At Acte Sept, we know how to question our plans in order to take a path that turns out to be the right one !
It's with great joy that we celebrate the half-way point, the triggers, the awareness, the tool acquisition and the learning.
In December 2023, we'll have succeeded if... each and every one of us dares to take up the challenge of transformation. At the end of the year, we'll give you the outcome of this beautiful journey !