News • 12/2014
More than 650 TOTAL managers trained on the impact of their spoken communication
With a 98% satisfaction rate (assessment by Formetris), the Réussir ses Prises de Parole (Speaking Successfully) course, designed and facilitated by Acte Sept on behalf of TOTAL, ranks first in the list of preferred training courses by the Group's managers. With a collaboration spanning eight years, we have trained more than 650 managers from all professional backgrounds on improving the impact of their spoken communication.
For the purpose of this collaboration, which first saw the light of day back in 2006, Acte Sept designed and facilitated a two-day training module for "Speaking Successfully". Comprising Acte Sept fundamentals, and combining theatrical techniques with managerial expertise, this course – dedicated to managers – is increasingly popular year after year, with a satisfaction rate that has now reached 98% (assessment by Formetris). This programme meets the three issues inherent in successful speaking, namely: formalising, expressing and scripting one's message.
- "Formalising" involves the choice of content and the right words. What story am I telling?
- "Expressing" involves learning to use one's non-verbal communication for the benefit of the message conveyed. What strengths can I rely on to tell this story?
- "Scripting" is the step that brings everything together, with consideration for the audience and the venue, to effectively adapt the story to the situation. Who am I telling this story to, and how am I going to tell it?
In short, two days' spent contributing to – and applying – Acte Sept's theory to transform public