
Helping staff to communicate with ease


Helping leaders to develop their style of speaking


Making your company's words the highlight of the event


Using our acting skills to boost team cohesion and motivation



A strategic shift requires a strategic message !

A strategic shift requires a strategic message !

In this fall, Roche and TotalEnergies, two of our most prestigious clients, are entrusting us with a mission with high added value to put their words at the service of their respective strategic turns


A magical venue in Montmartre to celebrate summer and the 20th anniversary of Acte Sept

A magical venue in Montmartre to celebrate summer and the 20th anniversary of Acte Sept

Before celebrating this anniversary with our customers, we held a dress rehearsal with all our coaches and partners, without whom nothing would have been possible! Joy, emotion, laughter and dancing were the order of the day for this beautiful evening in our image.


Unmissable !

Unmissable !

How to become a must-have in an ultra-competitive therapeutic area where no one is waiting for us: that's the challenge Roche proposed to Acte Sept to take up alongside us.